Conditions We Treat
Chiropractic care can effectively address a wide range of injuries and daily discomforts. You deserve to be free from persistent pain, and chiropractic offers a natural, proven solution to help you heal and recover.
Sports Injuries
Based on the injury, manual manipulation can help reduce inflammation, restore proper blood flow, increase range of motion, and improve over all pain management.
Adjustment and manual therapy helps restore mobility and reduces stress on nerves.
Tennis & Golf Elbow
Chiropractic adjustments and active therapies can help with the mobility and flexibility of your elbow to help reduce the risk of these conditions.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Manual manipulation can reduce swelling in the carpal tunnel, encourages proper blood flow, can remove spinal misalignments that may be to blame for the swelling and can boost whole-body healing.
Back Pain
Using spinal manipulation, also called a chiropractic adjustment, which involves applying controlled pressure to the spine to realign the vertebrae and joints, thereby reducing nerve irritation and improving range of motion, ultimately alleviating pain and discomfort in the back.
Neck Pain
Cervical manipulation is a precise adjustment applied to the joints of the neck, usually by hand. A neck adjustment works to improve the mobility of the spine and to restore range of motion; it can also increase movement of the adjoining muscles.
Shoulder Pain
Performing spinal adjustments to realign the joints in the shoulder and spine and also using soft tissue therapies like massage and IASTM to address tight muscles around the shoulder and provide customized stretching and strengthening exercises to promote healing and prevent future pain.
By realigning the spine, this can take pressure off nerves and blood vessels, providing relief from headaches and migraines. In addition to spinal adjustments, there are lifestyle changes or other therapies to help find relief from headaches and migraines.
Knee Pain
Through manual adjustments, soft tissue therapies, and targeted exercises, ultimately improving joint mobility, reducing inflammation, and alleviating pain by correcting underlying imbalances
Ankle Pain
Performing manual adjustments to realign the ankle joint, which can reduce inflammation, improve range of motion, and alleviate pain by addressing any misalignments in the ankle bones paired with soft tissue manipulation, mobilization techniques, and prescribe targeted exercises to support healing and prevent future injuries.